疾控中心报告美国首例严重禽流感病例;病毒菌株的罕见突变引起了人们的关切。 CDC reports first severe U.S. bird flu case; rare mutations in virus strain raise concerns.
疾控中心报告了美国首例禽流感严重病例,涉及路易斯安那州65岁以上居民。 The CDC has reported the first severe case of bird flu in the U.S., involving a Louisiana resident over 65. 病人的菌株D1.1基因型显示在感染的后院鸟类中看不到的罕见突变,有可能使病毒更好地与人类细胞结合。 The patient's strain, D1.1 genotype, shows rare mutations not seen in infected backyard birds, potentially allowing the virus to bind better to human cells. 公众面临的风险仍然很低,没有检测到向他人的传播。 The risk to the public remains low, and no transmission to others has been detected.