科学家发现禽流感病毒H5N1突变 可能导致人类对人体的传播 Scientists find a mutation in bird flu virus H5N1 that could enable human-to-human transmission.
最近在《科学》上发表的一项研究表明,H5N1禽流感病毒的单一突变可使其更有效地与人体细胞结合,从而可能导致人与人之间的传播。 A recent study published in Science suggests that a single mutation in the H5N1 bird flu virus could enable it to bind more effectively to human cells, potentially leading to human-to-human transmission. 这种突变是在赫马格鲁蒂宁蛋白中发现的,在现实世界的病例中尚未观察到,但在实验室中已经进行了测试。 This mutation, identified in the hemagglutinin protein, has not yet been observed in real-world cases but has been tested in lab settings. H5N1病毒已经在美国引起人类感染,专家们担心它有可能演变成流行病。 The H5N1 virus has already caused human infections in the U.S., and experts are concerned about its potential to evolve into a pandemic strain.