台湾将2024年记录为最热的一年,平均为24.97摄氏度,促进了气候行动的目标。 Taiwan records 2024 as its hottest year, averaging 24.97°C, fueling climate action goals.
台湾报告,2024年是其有史以来最热的一年,平均气温为24.97摄氏度,比全世纪平均气温高出1.66摄氏度。 Taiwan reported 2024 as its hottest year on record, with an average temperature of 24.97°C, 1.66°C above the century-long average. 除12月外,所有月份的气温都高于正常水平。 All months except December saw above-normal temperatures. 降雨量接近平均水平,但各地区的情况各不相同。 Rainfall was near average but varied across regions. 台湾的目标是在本十年结束时将温室气体排放减少30%,高于先前的25%的目标。 Taiwan aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 30% by the end of the decade, up from the previous goal of 25%. 联合国宣布2024年为全球最温暖的一年,反映了气候变化导致的十年创纪录的热量。 The UN declared 2024 the warmest year globally, reflecting a decade of record heat due to climate change.