5名中贝德福德郡居民因显著的社区和国家贡献而荣获荣誉。 Five Central Bedfordshire residents receive honors for notable community and national contributions.
来自中部贝德福德郡的5名个人因其特殊贡献和服务而被荣获新年荣誉奖。 Five individuals from Central Bedfordshire have been honored in the New Year Honours list for their exceptional contributions and service. 这份年度清单承认在公共服务、艺术和体育等各个领域取得的显著成就。 This annual list recognizes notable achievements across various fields, including public service, arts, and sports. 受助者因其对其社区内外的重大影响而受到赞扬。 The recipients were commended for their significant impacts on their communities and beyond.