阿根廷法官对尼加拉瓜总统奥尔特加因侵犯人权发出逮捕令。 Argentine judge issues arrest warrant for Nicaraguan President Ortega over human rights abuses.
一名阿根廷法官对尼加拉瓜总统丹尼尔·奥尔特加及其妻子、副总统罗萨里奥·穆里略发出逮捕令,指控其侵犯人权,包括谋杀、强迫失踪和酷刑。 An Argentine judge has issued an arrest warrant for Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega and his wife, Vice President Rosario Murillo, for alleged human rights violations, including murder, forced disappearances, and torture. 基于普遍管辖权的逮捕令还针对与Ortega政权有关联的其他官员。 The warrant, based on universal jurisdiction, also targets other officials linked to Ortega's regime. Ortega自2007年重新掌权以来, 在2018年的镇压之后, 遭到专制做法的批评, Since his return to power in 2007, Ortega has faced criticism for authoritarian practices, targeting critics and dissolving over 5,000 NGOs after a 2018 crackdown.