尼加拉瓜政府谴责梵蒂冈「堕落」和「恋童癖」。 Nicaraguan government condemns Vatican as "depraved" and "pedophile" after exiled bishop's interview, expelling 50 clergy.
尼加拉瓜政府严厉批评梵蒂冈为「堕落」与「恋童癖」, Nicaragua's government harshly criticized the Vatican as "depraved" and "pedophile" following an interview by exiled Bishop Rolando Alvarez on a Catholic TV channel. 总统丹尼尔·奥尔特加(Daniel Ortega)的批评者阿尔瓦雷斯(Alvarez)最近从拘留中获释。 Alvarez, a critic of President Daniel Ortega, was recently released from detention. 政府反应强烈,使紧张局势升级,将近50名牧师和修女被驱逐,并指控天主教机构破坏政府稳定。 The government's strong response has escalated tensions, with nearly 50 priests and nuns expelled and accusations that Catholic institutions are destabilizing the government. 这可能会进一步对尼加拉瓜剩余的天主教领导人施加压力,并使与梵蒂冈的关系复杂化。 This could further pressure remaining Catholic leaders in Nicaragua and complicate relations with the Vatican.