尼加拉瓜镇压力量超过46名记者于2024年流亡国外。 Nicaragua's crackdown forces over 46 journalists into exile in 2024 alone.
2024年,由于总统丹尼尔·奥尔特加镇压独立媒体,46名尼加拉瓜记者被迫流亡国外。 In 2024, 46 Nicaraguan journalists were forced into exile due to President Daniel Ortega's crackdown on independent media. 自2018年以来,283名媒体工作者为了保护自己和家人而逃离。 Since 2018, 283 media workers have fled to protect themselves and their families. 言论自由和民主基金会报告了这些数字,并指出,政府通过拘留和针对批评者的更严厉的网络犯罪法,加强了镇压。 The Foundation for Freedom of Expression and Democracy reported these figures, noting the government's increased repression through detentions and harsher cybercrime laws targeting critics.