前总统吉米·卡特(Jimmy Carter)于100岁去世,他通过政府角色多样化倡导种族平等。 Former President Jimmy Carter, who died at 100, championed racial equality by diversifying government roles.
前总统吉米·卡特(Jimmy Carter)以致力于公民权利著称,通过任命黑人妇女在重要职位上任职,大大推进了黑人妇女在政治领域的职业生涯。 Former President Jimmy Carter, known for his commitment to civil rights, significantly advanced the careers of Black women in politics by appointing them to key positions. 卡特在100岁时去世,他不顾年轻时的种族隔离主义压力,支持了第一位从海军学院毕业的非裔美国人。 Carter, who passed away at 100, defied segregationist pressures from his youth, supporting the first African-American to graduate from the Naval Academy. 作为总统,他任命帕特里夏·罗伯茨·哈里斯为第一位黑人女性内阁秘书,并在全球范围内扩大了公民权利与人权。 As president, he appointed Patricia Roberts Harris as the first Black woman Cabinet secretary, and expanded civil rights to human rights globally. 他的遗产包括使政府作用多样化和倡导种族平等。 His legacy includes diversifying government roles and advocating for racial equality.