VP Kamala Harris在国会纪念馆向前总统吉米·卡特致敬,赞扬了他的遗产和政策。 VP Kamala Harris honors former President Jimmy Carter at his Capitol memorial, praising his legacy and policies.
卡玛拉·哈里斯副总统在前总统吉米·卡特在美国国会的纪念碑上向他致敬,赞扬他遗留下来的多样性、环境政策和人道主义工作。 Vice President Kamala Harris paid tribute to former President Jimmy Carter during his memorial at the U.S. Capitol, praising his legacy of diversity, environmental policies, and humanitarian work. Harris强调卡特设立了教育和能源部,以及他在以色列-埃及和平条约中的作用。 Harris highlighted Carter's creation of the Departments of Education and Energy and his role in the Israel-Egypt peace treaty. 卡特100岁就去世了 在2024年的选举中投了哈里斯的票 Carter, who died at 100, had voted for Harris in the 2024 election. 仪式包括来自现任和前任政治领导人的演讲。 The ceremony included eulogies from current and former political leaders.