前总统吉米·卡特 (Jimmy Carter) 以其人道主义工作而闻名,享年 100 岁。 Former President Jimmy Carter, known for his humanitarian work, passed away at age 100.
美国第 39 任总统吉米·卡特 (Jimmy Carter) 去世,享年 100 岁。 Jimmy Carter, the 39th US President, passed away at 100. 卡特出生于佐治亚州,通过教育从花生农民晋升为总统,他就读于海军学院并担任潜艇艇员。 Born in Georgia, Carter rose from a peanut farmer to the presidency through education, attending the Naval Academy and serving as a submariner. 他倡导融合,并在 1976 年赢得总统大选之前成为佐治亚州州长。 He championed integration and became Georgia’s governor before winning the presidency in 1976. 卡特度过了高通胀和伊朗人质危机,并因戴维营协议和总统卸任后与仁人家园 (Habitat for Humanity) 的人道主义工作而受到赞誉。 Carter navigated high inflation and the Iran hostage crisis, and is celebrated for the Camp David Accords and post-presidential humanitarian work with Habitat for Humanity. 他于 2002 年获得诺贝尔和平奖。 He was honored with the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002.