以建立和平和人道主义工作而闻名的前总统吉米·卡特 (Jimmy Carter) 去世了。 Former President Jimmy Carter, known for his peacemaking and humanitarian work, has passed away.
美国第 39 任总统吉米·卡特 (Jimmy Carter) 在以公共服务和人道主义努力为特色的一生后去世。 Former President Jimmy Carter, the 39th US President, passed away after a life marked by public service and humanitarian efforts. 卡特以其在建立和平方面的成就而闻名,他于 1978 年促成了埃及和以色列之间的和平协议。 Known for his achievements in peacemaking, Carter brokered a peace deal between Egypt and Israel in 1978. 担任总统后,他继续倡导人权与和平,并于 2002 年获得诺贝尔和平奖。 Post-presidency, he continued to advocate for human rights and peace, earning a Nobel Peace Prize in 2002. Carter 的遗产也体现在他鼓舞人心的名言中,强调原则和适应不断变化的时代,同时坚持不变的价值观的必要性。 Carter's legacy is also defined by his inspiring quotes, emphasizing principles and the need to adapt to changing times while upholding unchanging values.