大多数美国成年人更喜欢除夕家庭庆祝活动, 健康决议达到2025年目标。 Most U.S. adults prefer home celebrations for New Year's Eve, with health resolutions topping 2025 goals.
美国多数成人计划在家庆祝除夕夜, 近20%的人在朋友或家庭成员家里庆祝, 只有5%的人去酒吧或活动。 A new poll by the AP-NORC Center shows that most U.S. adults plan to celebrate New Year's Eve at home, with nearly 20% celebrating at a friend or family member's home, and only 5% going out to bars or events. 半数以上的人打算至少为2025年制定一项决议,重点是健康、锻炼和心理健康,年轻人和妇女更有可能制定目标。 Over half intend to make at least one resolution for 2025, focusing on health, exercise, and mental well-being, with younger people and women more likely to set goals.