密苏里州和伊利诺伊州助推巡逻执法,提供免费搭乘,以确保除夕安全。 Law enforcement in Missouri and Illinois boost patrols, offer free rides to ensure safe New Year's Eve.
密苏里州和伊利诺伊州的执法部门正在敦促安全庆祝活动,因为它们增加了除夕夜的巡逻。 Law enforcement in Missouri and Illinois are urging safe celebrations as they increase patrols for New Year's Eve. 当局提醒居民计划清醒的乘车,避免酒后驾车,去年发生了近 800 起交通事故,300 人受伤,9 人死亡。 Authorities remind residents to plan for sober rides and avoid drinking and driving, after last year saw nearly 800 traffic crashes, 300 injuries, and nine deaths. 圣路易斯也正在取缔非法短期租房,并强制执行布莱尔法律,禁止欢庆枪声。 St. Louis is also cracking down on illegal short-term rentals and enforcing Blair's Law, which bans celebratory gunfire. 各大城市提供免费搭乘,以鼓励安全旅行。 Free rides are offered in major cities to encourage safe travel.