新年前夕2024年庆祝为“史上最美好的节日”, New Year's Eve 2024 celebrated as "best ever," with mostly peaceful festivities nationwide.
新年2024年前夕被许多人庆祝为“史上最好的”, 全国各地的庆典标志着新年的开始。 New Year's Eve 2024 was celebrated as the "best ever" by many, with festivities across the country marking the start of the new year. 然而,在各城市也发生了一些麻烦事件,包括轻微的骚乱和公共安全问题。 However, there were some incidents of trouble in various cities, including minor disturbances and public safety issues. 总体而言,庆祝活动对大多数与会者来说是和平和愉快的。 Overall, celebrations were peaceful and joyous for the majority of participants.