Google以倒计时钟揭幕庆祝除夕节的庆典, Google unveils a festive New Year's Eve doodle with a countdown clock, marking the global celebration.
Google在2024年12月31日发布了一个喜庆动画涂鸦, 以一个倒计时钟庆祝除夕。 Google released a festive animated doodle on December 31, 2024, featuring a countdown clock to celebrate New Year's Eve. Google主页上显示的涂鸦包括一条信息, 邀请用户准备迎接新的一年, The doodle, shown on Google's homepage, includes a message inviting users to prepare for the new year with resolutions and sparkle. 除夕夜是一个全球庆祝活动,以烟花、派对和集会等传统为标志,象征着反思和新的开端。 New Year's Eve is a global celebration marked by traditions such as fireworks, parties, and gatherings, symbolizing reflection and new beginnings.