全球新年庆祝活动在奥克兰拉开帷幕,世界各地举办了各种庆祝活动。 Global New Year's celebrations kicked off in Auckland, with varied festivities around the world.
新西兰奥克兰以烟花汇演和灯光秀标志着 2025 年的开始,随后在澳大利亚悉尼和日本东京举行了庆祝活动。 Auckland, New Zealand, marked the start of 2025 with a fireworks display and light show, followed by celebrations in Sydney, Australia, and Tokyo, Japan. 由于全国哀悼期,韩国缩减了庆祝活动,而中国和俄罗斯则互致新年问候,突显了他们在与西方的紧张关系中日益增长的关系。 South Korea scaled back its festivities due to a national mourning period, while China and Russia exchanged New Year's greetings, highlighting their growing ties amid tensions with the West. 在中东和乌克兰等冲突地区,新年庆祝活动受到抑制,而纽约、巴黎和里约热内卢等主要城市则举办了大型活动。 New Year's celebrations were subdued in conflict zones like the Middle East and Ukraine, while major cities like New York, Paris, and Rio de Janeiro hosted large-scale events.