爱尔兰政府预测,由于高需求和低供应,爱尔兰房价将在2025年上涨5-8%。 DNG predicts Irish house prices will rise 5-8% in 2025 due to high demand and low supply.
爱尔兰政府预测爱尔兰房价将在2025年上涨5-8%, DNG predicts Irish house prices will rise 5-8% in 2025, driven by strong demand and limited supply. 在都柏林,价格可能达到将近630 000欧元,高于2024年的582 772欧元。 In Dublin, prices could reach nearly €630,000, up from €582,772 in 2024. 首次购买者主导市场,占转售购房的54%。 First-time buyers dominate the market, making up 54% of resale home purchases. 尽管有人警告说市场估价过高,但新住房建设有所增加,但仍然达不到需求。 Despite warnings of an overvalued market, new home construction has increased but still falls short of meeting demand.