西班牙的零售增长在11月达到五个月的最低点,每年仅增长1.0%。 Spain's retail sales growth hit a five-month low in November, rising just 1.0% annually.
西班牙的零售增长在11月的五个月中减慢到最弱的水平,年增长率仅为1.0%,低于10月的3.4%。 Spain's retail sales growth slowed to its weakest level in five months in November, with an annual increase of only 1.0%, down from 3.4% in October. 非食品产品和食品的销售分别减慢到1.2%和1.5%,而服务站的销售则平坦。 Sales of non-food products and food slowed to 1.2% and 1.5%, respectively, while service station sales were flat. 每月零售量下降了0.6%,是六个月中首次下降。 Retail sales dropped 0.6% month-on-month, the first decline in six months. 尽管如此,零售部门的就业年均增长1.9%。 Despite this, employment in the retail sector rose by 1.9% annually.