联合王国的零售销量在10月下降了0.7%,超过了预测,引起了对成本上升的关切。 UK retail sales dropped 0.7% in October, surpassing forecasts and raising concerns about rising costs.
英国零售量在10月下降了0.7%,超过经济学家预测的0.3%的下降幅度。 UK retail sales volumes fell by 0.7% in October, exceeding economists' predictions of a 0.3% drop. 这一下降归因于消费者在预算之前推迟支出,以及影响服装销售的温和天气,这是在三个月的增长之后发生的。 The decline, attributed to consumers delaying spending ahead of the Budget and mild weather affecting clothing sales, follows three months of growth. 尽管出现下降,但年度趋势仍然呈上升趋势,尽管销售仍然低于人口大流行前水平。 Despite the fall, annual trends still show an increase, though sales remain below pre-pandemic levels. 零售商警告说,成本增加会导致潜在的裁员和涨价。 Retailers warn of increased costs leading to potential job cuts and price hikes.