中国军方在中国南海有争议的Scarborough Shoal附近进行巡逻。 Chinese military conducts patrols near disputed Scarborough Shoal in the South China Sea.
中国军方于星期三在中国南海的黄燕岛(又称Scarborough Shoal)领海和领空进行战备巡逻。 The Chinese military conducted combat readiness patrols over the territorial waters and airspace of Huangyan Island, also known as Scarborough Shoal, in the South China Sea on Wednesday. 由海军和空军进行巡逻的人民解放军南剧院指挥部说,这些活动是合法的。 The People's Liberation Army's Southern Theater Command, which carried out the patrols involving naval and air forces, stated that the activities were lawful. 这一行动突显了该区域目前的领土争端。 This action highlights ongoing territorial disputes in the region.