中国向联合国提出海事主张,主张对Scarborough Shoal的主权。 China submits maritime claims to the UN, asserting sovereignty over Scarborough Shoal.
中国向联合国提交了一份声明和图表,说明其对黄玉丹(黄玉丹)或Scarborough Shoal的领土主张,以维护主权并符合国际海事法。 China submitted a statement and chart to the UN regarding its territorial claims around Huangyan Dao, or Scarborough Shoal, to assert its sovereignty and align with international maritime laws. 中国常驻联合国副代表Geng Shuang提交的划界案详细介绍了中国在争议地区的领海边界。 The submission, made by China's deputy permanent UN representative Geng Shuang, provides details on China's territorial sea boundaries in the disputed area. 这一行动是中国根据《联合国海洋法公约》承担义务的一部分,旨在加强其领土和海洋权利。 This action is part of China's obligations under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and aims to strengthen its territorial and maritime rights.