芬兰调查了圣诞节发生到爱沙尼亚的海底电缆断电。 Finland investigates outage of its undersea power cable to Estonia that occurred on Christmas Day.
芬兰正在调查10:26格林尼治平时圣诞节发生的爱沙尼亚海底电缆Estlink 2断电。 Finland is investigating an outage of its undersea power cable, Estlink 2, to Estonia that occurred on Christmas Day at 10:26 GMT. 中断阻止了658兆瓦电力从芬兰流向爱沙尼亚。 The disruption halted 658 MW of power flow from Finland to Estonia. 虽然确切原因不明,但芬兰当局,包括佩特迪·奥尔波总理,随时准备进行调查。 While the exact cause is unknown, Finnish authorities, including Prime Minister Petteri Orpo, are on standby to investigate. 这起事件发生在最近区域对波罗的海基础设施中断的担忧之中。 The incident comes amid recent regional concerns over infrastructure disruptions in the Baltic Sea.