爱沙尼亚官员会晤,调查影响该国数字基础设施的海底电缆中断事件。 Estonian officials meet to investigate an undersea cable disruption affecting the country's digital infrastructure.
随着海底电缆中断调查的开始,爱沙尼亚政府官员将举行会晤。 Estonian government officials are set to meet as investigations into an undersea cable interruption begin. 受影响电缆的具体细节和对爱沙尼亚数字基础设施的潜在后果还不清楚。 The specific details of the affected cable and the potential consequences for Estonia’s digital infrastructure are not yet clear. 电缆被打乱的原因也仍然不得而知。 The cause of the cable's disruption remains unknown as well.