加拿大总理敦促特鲁多延长慈善捐赠期限, Canadian premiers urge Trudeau to extend charitable donation deadline due to postal strike impact.
由安大略道格·福特领导的加拿大总理要求总理贾斯汀·特鲁多将索要慈善捐款的最后期限延长至2月底,因为加拿大邮报罢工造成邮递捐款大量减少。 Canadian premiers, led by Ontario's Doug Ford, have asked Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to extend the deadline for claiming charitable donations to the end of February due to the Canada Post strike, which caused a significant drop in mail-in donations. 救世军报告假日捐赠减少了50%。 The Salvation Army reported a 50% decline in holiday donations. Trudeau办公室尚未作出答复。 Trudeau's office has not yet responded.