世界股票市场的结果好坏参半;美国通货膨胀数据和预算交易促进了投资者的情绪。 World stock markets show mixed results; U.S. inflation data and budget deal boost investor sentiment.
全球股市周一表现喜忧参半,日本日经 225 指数和香港恒生指数等亚洲市场上涨,而德国 DAX 和英国富时指数等欧洲市场下跌。 World shares showed mixed results on Monday, with Asian markets like Japan's Nikkei 225 and Hong Kong's Hang Seng gaining, while European markets like Germany's DAX and Britain's FTSE saw losses. 尽管周五集会激烈, 但S&P 500仍维持在2%以下。 The S&P 500 remained down 2% for the week despite a strong rally on Friday. 美国的预算交易避免了政府倒闭,而低于预期的美国通胀数据也激起了投资者的情绪。 A budget deal in the U.S. averted a government shutdown, and lower-than-expected U.S. inflation data boosted investor sentiment. 日本汽车制造商Honda和Nissan宣布可能合并,导致股票价格上扬。 Japanese automakers Honda and Nissan announced a potential merger, leading to gains in their stock prices.