全球股票在2024年最后一个交易日下跌,尽管S&P 500仍然被确定为强劲的一年。 Global stocks fell on the last trading day of 2024, though the S&P 500 is still set for a strong year.
随着年底的到来,全球股市周一下跌,东京日经 225 指数下跌 1%,德国 DAX 和英国富时 100 等主要欧洲市场下跌 0.4%。 Global shares declined on Monday as the year came to a close, with Tokyo's Nikkei 225 index dropping 1% and key European markets such as Germany's DAX and Britain's FTSE 100 falling 0.4%. 韩国的Kospi和香港的Hang Seng都损失了0.2%,而上海综合指数则增加了0.2%。 South Korea’s Kospi and the Hang Seng in Hong Kong both lost 0.2%, while the Shanghai Composite index gained 0.2%. S&P 500和道琼斯工业平均期货也下降了0.3%。 The S&P 500 and Dow Jones Industrial Average futures were also down 0.3%. 尽管遭受了损失,但S&P 500在2024年仍有望实现25%的收益,标志着自1997-1998年以来连续第二年增长20%以上。 Despite the losses, the S&P 500 is on track for a 25% gain in 2024, marking a second consecutive year of over 20% gains since 1997-1998. 市场增长的驱动力是积极的经济数据和放松通货膨胀,导致美联储的利率政策出现逆转。 The market growth has been driven by positive economic data and easing inflation, leading to a reversal in the Federal Reserve's interest rate policy.