爱尔兰人看到男性在政治上得到更好的待遇, 但对于女性在政治上的支持仍然很高, 一份欧洲的报告发现。 Irish people see better treatment for men in politics, yet support for women in politics remains high, a European report finds.
欧洲委员会最近的一份报告表明,66%的爱尔兰人认为男性在政治上比女性得到更好的待遇。 A recent European Commission report indicates that 66% of Irish people believe men receive better treatment than women in politics. 该报告还发现,47%的爱尔兰受访者认为女权主义“走得太远 ” , 略高于欧盟45%的平均水平。 The report also found that 47% of Irish respondents think feminism has "gone too far," slightly above the EU average of 45%. 尽管取得了进展,性别陈规定型观念依然存在,41%的爱尔兰人相信,当母亲从事全职工作时,家庭生活会受苦。 Despite progress, gender stereotypes persist, with 41% of Irish people believing family life suffers when mothers have full-time jobs. 然而,73%的人同意,更多的妇女从政有助于做出更好的政策决定。 However, 73% agree that more women in politics lead to better policy decisions.