马耳他面临严重的厌恶女性的观念,半数以上认为妇女部分是未经同意而分享形象的罪魁祸首。 Malta faces significant misogynistic beliefs, with over half seeing women as partly to blame for non-consensual image sharing.
马耳他妇女游说团(MWL)对欧洲晴雨表调查表示关切,该调查显示,马耳他存在严重的厌恶女性的态度。 The Malta Women's Lobby (MWL) has voiced concern over a Eurobarometer survey that reveals significant misogynistic attitudes in Malta. 调查发现,32%的受访者认为妇女常常夸大强奸指控,55%的受访者认为,如果未经同意而分享其亲密图像,则妇女应受到部分责怪。 The survey found that 32% of respondents believe women often exaggerate rape claims, and 55% think women are partly to blame if their intimate images are shared without consent. 要求开展教育活动和政府行动, 解决这些有害的信仰, 改善家庭暴力和杀害女性案件的法律程序. The MWL calls for educational campaigns and government action to tackle these harmful beliefs and improve legal proceedings in domestic violence and femicide cases.