欧盟与南锥体共同市场的贸易交易在农业、环境和人权问题上面临反对意见。 EU's trade deal with Mercosur faces opposition over agriculture, environment, and human rights concerns.
欧盟最近与南锥体共同市场的贸易协议涉及7亿多人,受到法国、波兰、意大利、奥地利和荷兰等欧盟国家的重大反对。 The EU's recent trade deal with Mercosur, covering over 700 million people, faces significant opposition from some EU countries like France, Poland, Italy, Austria, and the Netherlands. 批评者担心对欧洲农业的不公平竞争、亚马逊森林砍伐等环境问题以及人权问题。 Critics worry about unfair competition for European agriculture, environmental issues like Amazon deforestation, and human rights concerns. 该协议可能会影响粮食进口和推动极右支持,需要欧盟议会批准,大多数成员国也需这样做。 The deal, which could affect food imports and boost far-right support, needs EU Parliament approval and a majority of member states to proceed.