欧盟-南锥体共同市场贸易协定旨在建立一个大自由贸易区,但在农业和环境问题上面临反对。 The EU-Mercosur trade agreement aims to create a large free trade zone but faces opposition over agricultural and environmental concerns.
自1999年以来谈判的欧盟-南锥体贸易协定旨在通过减少关税和贸易壁垒,建立一个大规模的自由贸易区。 The EU-Mercosur trade agreement, in negotiation since 1999, aims to create a massive free trade zone by reducing tariffs and trade barriers. 欧盟将从降低汽车等工业商品的关税中受益,而南锥体共同市场国家将更容易获得牛肉和糖等农产品出口。 The EU would benefit from lower tariffs on industrial goods like cars, while Mercosur countries would gain better access for agricultural exports such as beef and sugar. 尽管得到德国和巴西等国家的支持,但欧洲农民和环境团体强烈反对该协议,担心协议会削弱当地农业,加速砍伐森林。 Despite support from countries like Germany and Brazil, the deal faces strong opposition from European farmers and environmental groups, who fear it could undercut local agriculture and accelerate deforestation. 该协定必须得到所有27个欧盟成员国、欧洲议会和各国议会的批准。 The agreement must be ratified by all 27 EU member states, the European Parliament, and national parliaments.