欧盟首长讨论贸易如何应对南美面对法国反对派的南锥体共同市场(Mercosur)所带来的挑战。 EU chief discusses trade deal challenges with South America's Mercosur, facing French opposition.
欧盟头目Ursula von der Leyen讨论了欧盟和南美洲南锥体共同市场集团之间最终达成贸易协议的挑战,这一进程持续了25年。 EU chief Ursula von der Leyen discusses the challenges of finalizing a trade deal between the EU and South America's Mercosur bloc, a process ongoing for 25 years. Emmanuel Macron总统领导的法国反对这项协议, 担心这会伤害法国农民。 France, led by President Emmanuel Macron, opposes the deal, fearing it will harm French farmers. 与此同时,德国等其他欧盟国家支持这项旨在降低关税的条约。 Meanwhile, other EU countries like Germany support the pact, which aims to reduce tariffs. 欧盟最大的贸易伙伴巴西是南锥体共同市场的一部分,协定的未来仍然不确定。 The EU's largest trading partner, Brazil, is part of Mercosur, and the deal's future remains uncertain.