欧盟和南锥体共同市场完成了为期25年的贸易协定,建立了一个大规模的自由贸易区。 EU and Mercosur finalize 25-year trade deal, creating a massive free trade zone.
欧盟和5个南锥体共同市场国家经过25年的谈判,完成了一项重要的贸易协定。 The EU and five Mercosur countries have finalized a significant trade agreement after 25 years of negotiations. 这项涉及7亿多人的交易旨在创建世界上最大的自由贸易区之一,并可以挽救数十亿欧盟公司的出口税。 The deal, covering over 700 million people, aims to create one of the world's largest free trade zones and could save EU companies billions in export duties. 批评者担心欧洲农业的不公平竞争,但分析家强调锂等原材料的战略重要性,这对于向电动车辆过渡以及远离化石燃料至关重要。 Critics worry about unfair competition for European agriculture, but analysts highlight the strategic importance of raw materials like lithium, vital for the transition to electric vehicles and away from fossil fuels.