法国在压力和低支持度下, 准备在François Bayrou领导下组建新政府。 France prepares for new government under François Bayrou amid pressure and low approval.
法国正在准备任命由弗朗索瓦·贝鲁总理领导的新政府,他正受到压力,要在圣诞节前任命内阁。 France is preparing for the appointment of a new government under Prime Minister François Bayrou, who is under pressure to name his cabinet before Christmas. 与Emmanuel Macron总统结盟的中间派MoDem团体领袖Bayrou面临挑战, 要获得支持, 才能通过明年的预算, Bayrou, head of the centrist MoDem group allied with President Emmanuel Macron, faces the challenge of securing support to pass the budget for next year and survive a no-confidence vote. Bayrou 的任期饱受批评,支持率仅为 34%,马约特岛至少有 35 人因气旋 Chido 而丧生。 Bayrou's tenure has been marked by criticism and a low approval rating of 34%, with at least 35 people killed in Mayotte due to Cyclone Chido. 国家也将在星期一举行哀悼日活动。 The nation is also set to observe a day of mourning on Monday.