法国现代党中间派领导人弗朗索瓦·贝鲁拒绝加入马克龙政府。 French centrist leader François Bayrou of MoDem party declines to join Macron's government.
法国总统马克龙的重要盟友、中间派现代党领袖弗朗索瓦·贝鲁宣布不会加入政府。 François Bayrou, a significant ally of French President Emmanuel Macron and the leader of the centrist MoDem party, announced he would not be joining the government. 这一决定对马克龙和总理加布里埃尔·阿塔尔试图建立政府团队来说是一个挫折。 This decision is a setback for Macron and Prime Minister Gabriel Attal as they attempt to establish a government team. 现代党在议会下院拥有 51 名议员,可能会使议会立法的通过更加难以预测。 The MoDem party, which has 51 lawmakers in the lower house of parliament, may make the adoption of legislation in parliament more unpredictable. 贝鲁对法国选民和掌权者之间日益扩大的分歧表示担忧,强调需要更好的政治理解和减少技术官僚的参与。 Bayrou expressed concerns about the widening divide between voters and those holding positions of power in France, emphasizing the need for better political understanding and less involvement of technocrats.