法国立法者通过临时法案, 防止政府因领导层更迭而倒闭。 French lawmakers pass temporary bill to prevent government shutdown amid leadership change.
法国立法者一致通过了一项临时法案, 以维持政府运作, 避免总理巴尼耶(Michel Barnier)在不信任投票后辞职, French lawmakers unanimously passed a temporary bill to keep the government running and avoid a shutdown following the resignation of Prime Minister Michel Barnier after a no-confidence vote. 法律允许政府根据去年的预算征税和为基本公共服务提供资金。 The law allows the government to levy taxes and fund essential public services based on last year's budget. 新总理佛朗索瓦·贝鲁(Francois Bayrou)将起草一份新预算, The new Prime Minister, Francois Bayrou, will draft a new budget, though there's opposition to any austerity measures. 这是因为法国2025年的增长预测由于不确定性增加而被降为0.9%。 This comes as France's growth forecast for 2025 was downgraded to 0.9% due to increased uncertainty.