法国立法者投票支持一项不信任动议, 可能会推翻巴尼埃总理的政府。 French lawmakers vote on a no-confidence motion that could oust Prime Minister Barnier's government.
法国立法者准备投票表决针对总理巴尼耶(Michel Barnier)政府的不信任动议, 可能导致政府下台。 French lawmakers are set to vote on a no-confidence motion targeting Prime Minister Michel Barnier's government, likely leading to its ousting. 这一投票有望通过,可能会使欧元区第二大经济体法国陷入更深层次的政治不稳定。 This vote, expected to pass, could plunge France, the eurozone's second-largest economy, into deeper political instability. 如果成功,这将是60多年来首次法国政府因不信任投票而被迫退出。 If successful, it would be the first time in over 60 years that a French government is forced out by a no-confidence vote.