卡塔尔在大马士革重新开放了大使馆, Qatar reopens embassy in Damascus, signaling a diplomatic thaw with Syria's new leadership.
卡塔尔已重新开放其在大马士革的大使馆,这是伊斯兰叛军推翻巴沙尔·阿萨德总统以来第二个这样做的国家。 Qatar has reopened its embassy in Damascus, marking the second country to do so since Islamist-led rebels ousted President Bashar al-Assad. 因为叙利亚国内冲突而关闭, 反映外国政府努力与叙利亚新领导人重新建立关系。 The reopening comes 13 years after it closed due to Syria's civil conflict and reflects foreign governments' efforts to re-establish ties with Syria's new leadership. 欧洲联盟也准备重新开放其外交使团,而美国、联合王国和法国已派遣代表团前往大马士革。 The European Union is also preparing to reopen its diplomatic mission, while the US, UK, and France have sent delegations to Damascus.