叙利亚官员敦促美国取消制裁, 访问卡塔尔支援阿萨德后。 Syrian officials urge the U.S. to lift sanctions, visiting Qatar for support post-Assad.
在推翻巴沙尔·阿萨德总统后第一次访问卡塔尔期间,包括外交部长阿萨德·沙伊巴尼在内的叙利亚过渡政府部长们敦促美国解除对大马士革的制裁。 During their first visit to Qatar since ousting President Bashar al-Assad, Syria’s transitional government ministers, including Foreign Minister Asaad al-Shaibani, urged the US to lift sanctions on Damascus. 他们会晤了卡塔尔总理,总理重申卡塔尔支持叙利亚的统一和主权。 They met with Qatar’s Prime Minister, who reaffirmed Qatar’s support for Syria’s unity and sovereignty. 叙利亚官员辩称,制裁正在阻碍该国的恢复。 The Syrian officials argued that the sanctions are hindering the country’s recovery.