土耳其于星期六重新开放驻叙利亚大使馆, Turkey to reopen its embassy in Syria on Saturday, marking a diplomatic thaw after nearly a decade.
土耳其外交部长宣布,土耳其驻叙利亚大马士革大使馆将于2012年关闭近十年后星期六重新开放。 Turkey's foreign minister announced that the country's embassy in Damascus, Syria, will reopen on Saturday, nearly a decade after it closed in 2012. 大使馆工作人员正在前往叙利亚的途中,将在开放后不久开始工作。 The embassy staff is en route to Syria and will begin operations shortly after the opening. 这一举动标志着土耳其与叙利亚的外交关系发生重大变化。 This move marks a significant shift in Turkey's diplomatic relations with Syria.