美国各地的玩具驱动器和翻新项目援助受海伦飓风打击的儿童和家庭。 Toy drives and refurbishment projects across the U.S. aid children and families hit by Hurricane Helene.
Jamee Booth和Jason Pugh从阿拉巴马州发起一场玩具运动, 帮助北卡罗来纳州受飓风“海伦”影响的儿童, A toy drive initiated by Jamee Booth and Jason Pugh from Alabama to help children affected by Hurricane Helene in North Carolina turned into a nationwide effort after gaining media attention. 他们从Avery县的学校收集了足够的捐款,满足每个儿童的愿望。 They collected enough donations to fulfill every child's wish list from Avery County schools. 与此同时,由Cameron Mortenson中士和Patrick Harley在列克星顿组织的一场活动也在从企业收集玩具,为有需要的儿童提供服务。 Meanwhile, a drive in Lexington, organized by Sergeant Cameron Mortenson and Patrick Harley, is also collecting toys from businesses to provide for children in need. 在另一项善意行动中,来自俄亥俄州的Scott组织了一个项目,在当地捐款和志愿者的支持下,为因飓风而无家可归的家庭整修和提供营地。 In another act of kindness, Scott from Ohio organized a project to refurbish and furnish campers for families left homeless by the hurricane, supported by local donations and volunteers.