玩具运动旨在向数以千计的儿童,包括受枪支暴力影响的儿童提供礼物。 Toy drives aim to provide gifts for thousands of children, including those affected by gun violence.
救世军102岁的玩具为欢乐之旅即将结束,目的是为西马萨诸塞州多达4 000名儿童提供玩具。 The Salvation Army's 102-year-old Toy for Joy drive is nearing its end, aiming to provide toys for up to 4,000 children in Western Massachusetts. 同时,Green Bay的一个家庭为麦迪逊学校枪击事件的儿童收集了600多件玩具,从教育公司收到10 000美元的捐赠。 Meanwhile, a family in Green Bay has collected over 600 toys for children affected by a Madison school shooting, receiving a $10,000 donation from educational companies. 多诺万·普赖斯牧师为受枪支暴力影响的儿童主办一场玩具运动, 今年向约20名儿童分发礼物。 In another effort, Pastor Donovan Price hosts a toy drive for children impacted by gun violence, distributing gifts to about 20 kids this year.