佛蒙特家庭在飓风后重建生活,这要归功于社区募集超过160,000美元。 Vermont family rebuilds life after hurricane, thanks to community raising over $160,000.
佛蒙特家庭John和Jenny Mackenzie在7月因贝里尔飓风的洪水而失去家园、汽车和财物。 A Vermont family, John and Jenny Mackenzie, lost their home, cars, and possessions in July due to Hurricane Beryl's floods. 社区支助和筹款活动筹集了超过160 000美元,使他们能够购买二手车辆,及时为感恩节找到新房子。 Community support and a fundraising campaign raised over $160,000, allowing them to buy used vehicles and find a new house in time for Thanksgiving. 尽管在寻找负担得起的住房方面面临挑战,家庭仍对社区的慷慨表示深切感谢。 Despite facing challenges in finding affordable housing, the family expresses deep gratitude for the community's generosity.