向北卡罗来纳州飓风灾民分发10万美元现金。 Wealthy "Secret Santa" distributes $100,000 in cash to hurricane victims in North Carolina.
一位名叫“Secret Santa”(Secret Santa)的富有且匿名的商人在节日期间前往美国旅行, A wealthy and anonymous businessman, known as "Secret Santa," travels the US during the holidays, giving away about $100,000 in $100 bills to random people and those in need. 今年,他访问了北卡罗来纳州的Avery县,帮助受飓风海伦影响的人,包括Jamie Guinn,他在泥石流中失去了妻子。 This year, he visited Avery County, North Carolina, to help those affected by Hurricane Helene, including Jamie Guinn, who lost his wife in a mudslide. 他的仁慈行为旨在为灾民提供希望。 His acts of kindness aimed to provide hope to disaster victims.