捐款1 550万美元,用于援助西北卡罗来纳州从海伦飓风的破坏中恢复过来。 $15.5 million donated to aid Western North Carolina's recovery from Hurricane Helene's devastation.
" 海伦 " 飓风在西北卡罗来纳州造成巨大破坏,造成100多人死亡,此后,通过国家防灾救灾基金向该地区提供了1 550万美元的捐款。 In the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, which caused extensive damage and over 100 deaths in Western North Carolina, $15.5 million in donations have been sent to the region through the NC Disaster Relief Fund. 这使筹集的总额达到2 750万美元。 This brings the total raised to $27.5 million. 尽管最初在救济资金问题上发生政治争端,复原进程包括地方医院和非营利机构的支助,继续援助受影响的家庭和企业。 Despite initial political disputes over relief funds, the recovery process, which includes support from local hospitals and nonprofits, continues to aid affected families and businesses.