悉尼除夕的烟花 可能被取消 因为潜在的铁路罢工中断。 Sydney's New Year's Eve fireworks may be canceled due to potential rail strike disruptions.
悉尼除夕的烟花 可能会因铁路罢工而取消 Sydney's New Year's Eve fireworks may be canceled due to a potential rail strike. 新南威尔士州警察局长Karen Webb警告说,中断可能会阻止250 000名访客安全离开该市。 The NSW Police Commissioner, Karen Webb, warns that disruptions could prevent 250,000 visitors from leaving the city safely. 铁路、铁道和公共汽车联盟要求每年增加4%8%的工资,政府认为这负担不起。 The Rail, Tram, and Bus Union demands four annual 8% wage increases, which the government deems unaffordable. 州政府计划在圣诞节前夕举行的公平工作委员会的听证会上辩论罢工构成安全风险。 The state plans to argue at a Fair Work Commission hearing on Christmas Eve that the strike poses a safety risk. 工会坚持火车仍会开着,但会延误。 The union insists trains will still run but with delays.