悉尼的铁路工人提供免费的交通休战; 政府拒绝, 威胁除夕晚会。 Rail workers in Sydney offer free transport truce; government rejects it, threatening New Year's Eve events.
在薪酬争端中,新南威尔士的铁路工人提出暂停罢工,在达成新协议之前,让公共交通免费。 In a dispute over pay, rail workers in New South Wales have offered to pause strikes and make public transport free until a new agreement is reached. 然而,州政府拒绝了这一提议,理由是在工会中存在费用和不信任。 However, the state government rejected the offer, citing costs and distrust in the union. 目前的冲突导致数百辆火车被取消,并引起对悉尼除夕烟花安全的关切,由于工业行动,烟花可能被取消。 The ongoing conflict has led to hundreds of train cancellations and raised concerns about the safety of the Sydney New Year's Eve fireworks, which may be canceled due to industrial action. 公平工作委员会将在圣诞节前夕听取该案。 The Fair Work Commission will hear the case on Christmas Eve.