悉尼火车上下班者面临混乱,因为工人赢得了恢复对工资需求的罢工的权利。 Sydney train commuters face disruptions as workers win right to resume strikes over wage demands.
悉尼火车通勤者面临潜在的干扰,因为法院判决允许铁路工人重新采取工业行动。 Sydney train commuters face potential disruptions as a court decision allows rail workers to resume industrial action. 铁路、铁道和公共汽车联盟(RTBU)赢得了与新南威尔士州政府的法律斗争,使工人能够执行先前的禁令和罢工。 The Rail, Tram and Bus Union (RTBU) won the legal battle against the NSW government, enabling workers to enforce previous bans and strikes. 争议中心围绕对大幅提高工资的需求, 政府认为这是负担不起的。 The dispute centers around a demand for substantial wage increases, which the government deems unaffordable. 新南威尔士州政府正在考虑采取进一步的法律行动,以限制对圣诞和新年的影响。 The NSW government is now considering further legal action to limit the impact on the Christmas and New Year periods. 建议通讯员检查旅行应用软件,允许额外时间。 Commuters are advised to check travel apps and allow extra time.