美国食品药品管理局更新"健康"食品标签, 增加营养成分, 限制糖, 脂肪和. The FDA updates "healthy" food labels to include more nutrients and limit sugars, fats, and sodium.
美国食品药品管理局更新了"健康"食品的定义, The FDA has updated the definition of "healthy" foods to better align with current nutrition science. 要被贴上“健康”标签,产品现在必须包含来自食品群体的某些数量的食物,如水果、蔬菜、谷物、奶制品和蛋白质,并达到添加糖、钠和饱和脂肪的限度。 To be labeled as "healthy," products must now contain certain amounts of food from food groups like fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy, and protein, and meet limits on added sugars, sodium, and saturated fat. 这一变革旨在帮助消费者确定有营养的选择,并减少与饮食有关的慢性病。 This change aims to help consumers identify nutritious options and reduce diet-related chronic diseases. 新规则在两个月后生效,允许制造商在2028年2月之前遵守。 The new rules take effect in two months, giving manufacturers until February 2028 to comply.