美国食品和药物管理局计划在食品包装上提出针对肥胖的健康警告标签. FDA plans to propose health warning labels on food packages addressing obesity.
FDA计划提出食品和饮料包装健康警告标签, 以对抗美国肥胖症发病率上升, 近40%的成人及20%的儿童肥胖症。 The FDA plans to propose health warning labels on food and drink packages to combat rising obesity rates in the U.S., where nearly 40% of adults and 20% of children are obese. 这些标签将识别高水平的钠、饱和脂肪或超加工食品中添加的糖。 The labels will identify high levels of sodium, saturated fat, or added sugars in ultra-processed foods. 虽然一些营养专家支持更清晰的标签,但食品公司反对,称价格可能上涨,并质疑林业发展局的权威。 While some nutrition experts support clearer labeling, food companies oppose it, citing potential price increases and questioning FDA authority.