神经学研究发现,抗生素使用与老年痴呆症风险之间没有任何联系。 Study in Neurology finds no link between antibiotic use and dementia risk in older adults.
最近在神经学上公布的一项研究发现,抗生素使用与老年人认知障碍或痴呆风险增加之间没有任何联系。 A recent study published in Neurology found no link between antibiotic use and increased risk of cognitive impairment or dementia in older adults. 这项研究涉及超过13 571名70岁及以上的成年人,显示抗生素使用和认知下降之间没有任何联系,即使考虑到诸如家庭痴呆史等因素。 The research, involving over 13,571 adults aged 70 and older, showed no association between antibiotic use and cognitive decline, even after considering factors like family history of dementia. 然而,研究人员指出,有必要进行更长时间的研究,以探索潜在的长期影响。 However, researchers noted the need for longer studies to explore potential long-term effects.